Monday, August 20, 2012

Random Thoughts on Monday

I have been thinking a lot about this past year. Not just my weight loss journey but the people I have met and the experiences that I have been able to have. The main thing that I have learned is that I don't admire people just because of the weight that they have loss but the bigger picture of it all. They all have a strong sense of courage, dedication, patience and the heart to win which I admire more than anything.

I never thought that it would be possible to be able to run a half marathon and now I have ran 5! It is easy to get caught up in beating ourselves up when we don't achieve but it isn't worth it.

I always have doubted my abilities but I am so grateful for the people that have made me realize  that I can achieve anything. You never know maybe this girl will run a full marathon one day!

There have been people in my past who have made me question my worth and I let those opinions define me but the greatest blessing was when I realized it is better to build ourselves up then put ourselves down.

When I weighed 40 pounds heavier I was hiding from my potential but when I lost the blanket that I had around me for so long it was the biggest relief  I have ever felt.

I have so many heroes in my life especially this past year:
1. My Parents- they are amazing..from day one they have always pushed me to see my potential and made me always want to shoot for bigger and better things.
2. My sister Holly- always pushes me to reach for bigger and better things. Even before my weight loss journey she always made me feel beautiful.
3. My amazing friends: made me enjoy the simple things and always kept a smile on my face.
4. My running buddies: Angela- she is amazing she always reminds me that the most important thing is to finish what you get started and not get caught up in timing or how slow or fast you are.
Josh- what a rockstar! He has been a great motivation this past few months and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to meet him finally. He is a bit addicted to running but it has made me want to keep running. He is always so supportive too and always waits around for the slow runner that I am...I for sure don't run like a 18 year old :)
As there are so many more heroes in my life. the most important one is  My Heavenly Father. In the good and bad times I have had the great blessing to know that I can always get down on my knees and ask for comfort when I need it as well as thanking him for the journey that I have been through and the blessings that I have been given this past year.

I guess if someone were to ask me one thing that I would want to pass on to other people through my experience this past year it would be is too short to make excuses. We often get caught up in the pressures of life that we loose sight of who we are and the potential that we all have human beings.  The most important thing to remember in a weight loss journey isn't the number on the is just a number the most important thing is who we become in the process. I have realized that through my running it isn't about how many times I finish a race it is the journey I go through to get to each finish line. Yeah it is awesome to get shirts and medals at the end of it all but for me it is the process.  Yeah I am proud to say that I have lost 40 pounds but I am more proud of being able to say that I have ran over 60 miles in races and have trained more than that as well.

My next goal is to achieve a PR at the Layton City Half Marathon and I feel that it is reachable.I just have to remind myself to slow down and listen to my inner self.

Love ya all :)

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