Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Details on the Memorial Day Half Marathon

I loved this half marathon...there were so many experiences along the way that made the day all worth it. I   started off the race feeling confident and strong...I ran the first 6 miles with confidence and didn't seem to be having any pain.. Around mile 6.0 I was able to see the winner of the race coming back...cause it was an out and back race and he told me " you got this girl...good job!" It gave me some extra motivation to keep going...I also was able to see an amazing person...Josh Hansen coming back in his denim and pink in honor of his mother which made me even more motivated to keep going. It was at about mile # 10 that I got a shocking pain in the back muscles and I wasn't sure if I was going to keep going but I called upon my Grandma E that passed away 7 years ago who used to call me "muscles" and I was able to push through the pain a bit. The last couple of miles I had to dig deep within myself to give my all as the pain continued to get worse...It was a great feeling to see my parents at the finish line.. I was glad to be done and glad that I was able to add another race to the races I have ran. It was even better to see Josh Hansen come over and congratulate me... He really has come to far in his journey and is a constant reminder of the will to keep moving forward in my own journey. It was a great experience all together and I will be eternally grateful for the reward of the day. I got a cool shirt, medal and was able to spend the day with a few of my heroes..I couldn't ask for anything better in the day. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day Half

I am so excited to run another half marathon coming up this next monday.. Through all the training that I have endured I feel confident and ready to tackle the 13.1 miles. It is crazy to think of where I was a year ago and where I am today. I remember when running a mile was the hardest thing to endure and now I am running 13 miles with confidence. I am so grateful for my weight loss journey and all that it has done for me. I would have to say if I was asked what were the biggest things that I gained from losing weight they would be.
1. Confidence
2. Strong will
3. Happiness.
Some other things that I have seen change within myself is that I no longer have problems with my knees, I don't have shin splints, and I don't judge myself based on a number on the scale.
Running has become the cheapest form of therapy for me. After a long day at work or just a stressful day I can put on my running shoes and go out into nature and deal with it all.

I am so grateful for the people that always remind me of the importance of moving forward and not having fear. I have learned that everyday I am one step closer to my goals. I don't look back anymore..I only look forward. I hope that as my journey continues that I will be able to help other people see the importance of loving ourselves inside and out and that the only person holding you back is YOU!

I am excited for Monday...maybe I will get a Personal Record for myself!
I will give ya a full report of my adventures on Tuesday

Love ya all....