Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Dollar a mile

I have been trying to figure out a way to make my running  more meaningful and to motivate me even more. I was inspired today while running with my friend ashley. I have decided to start a fundraising project called " A dollar a mile". I am going to try to get people to donate a dollar a mile that I run this year. The catch? All the miles that I run and get money for have to be from a race that I have registered for and run. I can't count miles that are used to train for the races.  So if I run a half marathon I will get $13 dollars.
What will the money go towards? Well.. I would like to donate  the money to charities such as make a wish foundation as well as the huntsman cancer foundation. I know of someone who already is raising money for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and his name is Joshua Hansen. I plan to donate some of the money I raise to his goal. I also know of a former co-worker who lost his daughter to a liver tumor a few years ago named Emmallee  Havertz and remember the amazing stories and experiences that he shared with the make a wish foundation.. I am excited for the adventure and experience that will come with this endeavor and am excited to sign up for some more races! May the force be with me...LOL

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